Batwoman Ringtone cct cgg cgg gca

The T
I dedicate this ringtone to "Batwoman" Dr. Shi Zhengli (Wuhan Institute of Virology -WIV) and Dr. Ralph Baric (UNC-Chapel Hill) who worked with Chinese horseshoe bats and published research on synthetic/chimeric coronaviruses. Their work most likely led to the outbreak whether intentionally or accidentally. 

Update as of 9 May:  Dr. Shi Zhengli has not been seen in public for 2 days. I hope she is safe because we need her - she or someone in her lab may have opened the proverbial Pandora's Box, but we need her expertise in finding some type of therapeutic solution. 

The WIV was partially funded with USD $7.4M (2018/19) with Dr. Fauci heading the approval for the gain of function (GOF) project for the potential pandemic pathogens (PPP) program. The GOF PPP program was banned in October of 2013 for obvious reasons of bio-ethics. Why is was reinstated in 2017 is a good question. 

Dr. Shi Zhengli has stated, "she swears on her life she did not manipulate the virus" but she also expressed her doubt in a chat "could the virus have come from our lab?" Defenders of her state that the probability of the bat coronavirus spreading to humans would take place where millions live near the bats in Southern China (see bat map below) but not in the P4 WIV lab where only 40 people worked. OK, if that is true, then why didn't the outbreak take place near where the bats live instead of Wuhan especially when no bats were sold in the market? Yes, Pangolins are reservoirs of a coronavirus that have a high similarity to the SARS-CoV-2 genome and were sold at the Wuhan market.  

I think the world needs the virologists to speak out with their expertise instead of being silent. It is a tight community I would imagine and I can understand their silence, but it is helping no one - I hope they are all busy working on therapies. The logic I hear from the virologists is that computer models would not predict the S gene manipulation, so no researcher would have tried the PRRA furin cleavage insertion sequence that is found in SARS-CoV-2? Therefore, it must have occurred naturally, but there are no coronaviruses with that exact PRRA insertion and it is definitely not a mutation. There are published reports of chimeric (recombining genes from different species) coronavirus manipulation involving Ralph Baric. It all makes for some interesting reading.

This sequence of nitrogenous bases represents the codon (sets of 3 - think triplets in music) that code for specific amino acids that build the protein. This particular sequence codes for:  proline/arginine/arginine/alanine. This is called a polybasic furin cleavage sequence and it allows entry into host cells that have furin proteases that cleave the SARS-CoV-2 S glycoprotein thus allowing entry. These proteases are found extensively in lung epithelial cells. Maybe we can find a furin protease inhibitor that can block this mechanism and thus keep out the SARS-CoV-2.

P      R      R      A
(4 codons, 12 bases, 4 amino acids)
12 musical notes

in C Major scale

Image Below
From Nature 17 March 2020     

The red circle highlights the insertion site that doesn't occur in the closest related coronaviruses. Mutations usually occur on one or two nitrogenous bases, but not 12 as in cct cgg cgg gca or the PRRA amino acid sequence insertion.

                                              Map of southern China showing locations where bat coronaviruses were found (from NIH publication May 7, 2019)

Remember, Wuhan is North of where these bats live in the Hubei Province (not shown on this map, but North of Hunan Province). Reports indicate no bats were sold in the Wuhan wet market. 


  1. Consider that it they were resposible for creating this deadly virus, they should seek a cure


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