ORF3a gene - Space Voice

ORF3a - Space Voice mp3

Open Reading Frame 3a gene
Source ORF3a
created with Bio2MIDI freeware
aa sequence
        1 mdlfmrifti gtvtlkqgei kdatpsdfvr atatipiqas lpfgwlivgv allavfqsas
       61 kiitlkkrwq lalskgvhfv cnllllfvtv yshlllvaag leapflylya lvyflqsinf
      121 vriimrlwlc wkcrsknpll ydanyflcwh tncydycipy nsvtssivit sgdgttspis
      181 ehdyqiggyt ekwesgvkdc vvlhsyftsd yyqlystqls tdtgvehvtf fiynkivdep
      241 eehvqihtid gssgvvnpvm epiydepttt tsvpl


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