"Prelude in S" PRRA - The "smoking gun" of genetic manipulation in the S gene
Listen to the amino acid sequence of the S gene. At the insertion site of prra, there will be a different sound - try to see if you can hear the difference.
Click here to listen MP3 file of prra insertion (It is at 1:42)
Image Source: Nature
Image of the comparison of the SARS-CoV-2 Human virus with other Corona Viruses (Published in Nature on March 17, 2020)
The PRRA sequence 681-684 is the site where the SARS-CoV-2 sequence is noticeably different than the other CoV samples where it is simply naturally missing (see red circle). Take a look below at the yellow highlighted prra. This is a polybasic furin cleavage insert that is lab manipulated! (where p = proline, r = arginine, a = alanine)
The below image is from the Antiviral Research 176 (2020)
GenBank amino acid sequence
1 mfvflvllpl vssqcvnltt rtqlppaytn sftrgvyypd kvfrssvlhs tqdlflpffs
61 nvtwfhaihv sgtngtkrfd npvlpfndgv yfasteksni irgwifgttl dsktqslliv 121 nnatnvvikv cefqfcndpf lgvyyhknnk swmesefrvy ssannctfey vsqpflmdle 181 gkqgnfknlr efvfknidgy fkiyskhtpi nlvrdlpqgf saleplvdlp iginitrfqt 241 llalhrsylt pgdsssgwta gaaayyvgyl qprtfllkyn engtitdavd caldplsetk 301 ctlksftvek giyqtsnfrv qptesivrfp nitnlcpfge vfnatrfasv yawnrkrisn 361 cvadysvlyn sasfstfkcy gvsptklndl cftnvyadsf virgdevrqi apgqtgkiad 421 ynyklpddft gcviawnsnn ldskvggnyn ylyrlfrksn lkpferdist eiyqagstpc 481 ngvegfncyf plqsygfqpt ngvgyqpyrv vvlsfellha patvcgpkks tnlvknkcvn 541 fnfngltgtg vltesnkkfl pfqqfgrdia dttdavrdpq tleilditpc sfggvsvitp 601 gtntsnqvav lyqdvnctev pvaihadqlt ptwrvystgs nvfqtragcl igaehvnnsy 661 ecdipigagi casyqtqtns prrarsvasq siiaytmslg aensvaysnn siaiptnfti 721 svtteilpvs mtktsvdctm yicgdstecs nlllqygsfc tqlnraltgi aveqdkntqe 781 vfaqvkqiyk tppikdfggf nfsqilpdps kpskrsfied llfnkvtlad agfikqygdc 841 lgdiaardli caqkfngltv lpplltdemi aqytsallag titsgwtfga gaalqipfam 901 qmayrfngig vtqnvlyenq klianqfnsa igkiqdslss tasalgklqd vvnqnaqaln 961 tlvkqlssnf gaissvlndi lsrldkveae vqidrlitgr lqslqtyvtq qliraaeira 1021 sanlaatkms ecvlgqskrv dfcgkgyhlm sfpqsaphgv vflhvtyvpa qeknfttapa 1081 ichdgkahfp regvfvsngt hwfvtqrnfy epqiittdnt fvsgncdvvi givnntvydp 1141 lqpeldsfke eldkyfknht spdvdlgdis ginasvvniq keidrlneva knlneslidl 1201 qelgkyeqyi kwpwyiwlgf iagliaivmv timlccmtsc csclkgccsc gscckfdedd 1261 sepvlkgvkl hyt
Thanks to Dr. Chris Martenson for his exposé on this matter. 4 May 2020
The mp3 file was converted from a MIDI file created in Bio2MIDI freeware.
Two other great articles supporting this claim are: A Unique Protease Cleavage Site Predicted in the Spike Proteinof the Novel Pneumonia Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Potentially Relatedto Viral Transmissibility from Virologica Sinica Received: 15 February 2020 / Accepted: 6 March 2020 Wuhan Institute of Virology, CAS 2020
Lab-Made? SARS-CoV-2 Genealogy Through the Lens of Gain-of-Function Research
by Yuri Deigin
This last image is from the 19 March 2020 of Current Biology
The amino acid sequence does not align with the image above (the offset is = 4) The S amino acid above begins at 681, but in this image below it begins at 685?). I just checked a 100 new SARS-CoV-2 samples on BLAST and they had a 100% match rate with the S protein sequence at 681-684 = PRRA. There must be an error in the graphic below.
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