This is the gene that was manipulated with a gene insert probably in the GOF (Gain of Function) research by the US-funded (headed by Dr. Fauci) PPP (potential pandemic pathogen) program at the Wuhan Virology lab in China. It is also the focus of vaccine manufacturers. The spike attaches to the ACE-2 receptors found throughout the human body including the lungs, kidneys, stomach, intestines and blood vessels. It has an insert of a polybasic furin cleavage not found in nature. Take a look at the yellow highlighted prra . This is a polybasic furin cleavage insert that is lab manipulated! (where p = proline, r = arginine, a = alanine) Listen by clicking the mp3 file below S gene synth strings 1 Spike glycoprotein Amino Acid Sequence (1,273 aa) Source: GenBank: MN908947.3 (created using Bio2MIDI freeware) 1 mfvflvllpl vssqcvnltt rtqlppaytn sftrgvyypd kvfrssvlhs tqdlflpffs 61 nvtwfhaihv sgtngtkrfd npvlpfndgv yfasteksni irgwifgttl dsktqslliv 121 nna...