M Gene - Harp

From this aa sequence 
        1 madsngtitv eelkklleqw nlvigflflt wicllqfaya nrnrflyiik liflwllwpv
       61 tlacfvlaav yrinwitggi aiamaclvgl mwlsyfiasf rlfartrsmw sfnpetnill
      121 nvplhgtilt rplleselvi gavilrghlr iaghhlgrcd ikdlpkeitv atsrtlsyyk
      181 lgasqrvagd sgfaaysryr ignyklntdh ssssdniall vq
to this sheet music below

Listen to this aa sequence by clicking below
M gene harp 

Membrane glycoprotein  
Amino Acid Sequence
Source: GenBank: MN908947.3
(created using Bio2MIDI freeware)


The single letter amino acid codes are shown in red circles in the chart below.

From ScienceDirect:  
Matrix Proteins
The term matrix protein is used to describe a protein that forms layer on the inside of the viral envelope. ... Additional M is found at the plasma membrane where it associates with the cytoplasmic domains of influenza virus envelope glycoproteins. Thus M organizes both glycoproteins and the nucleocapsids.


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